This is Julia.

When Julia walked into the shooting space for her headshots she wasn't excited to be there.

Like a lot of people, she didn't like how she looked in picture. But she needed a new headshot, so here she was, at my first Headshot Party that I was hosting at Connectwork on Main. Dressed to the nines with a gorgeous new dress and her a hair and makeup done, but dreading the session. She actively said she signed up because it was a short 15 minutes.

So I get her set up on the posing stool, adjust the lighting a bit and take a quick test photo. Then I check with her on if she'd like a bit more light or shadow on her face.

The first words out of her mouth on seeing the test shot were "wait...that's me? Wait, I'm pretty!" or something to that effect.

And from that moment on we had a blast. And I can honestly say Julia is now one of my most favorite clients in recent memory.

And that is why I love being a photographer, being able to help people feel their best.